23 September 2012

I have a CRUSH!, a bad graphic, and a confession (actually more like a declaration as I'm not the least bit ashamed of it)

A crush. On this kid:

The bass player. RIGHT? I love his moves. He's so good. And he makes the best faces and head movements when he's playing. Love! And THEN, I heard THIS, and I got a crush on the band:

There just came a point where everyone was rocking out so hard that I had to put the camera away. I mean, these guys are awesome. And their CD is good but it's nothing compared to their live show. I can't wait to catch their next ones in Logan or Rexburg (or maybe both!), coming up. Everyone go check them out. http://www.myspace.com/thedesertnoises  ("Bible Study" is a good one) And P.S. can I just say that his bass reminds me so much of The Ocean Blue, and I haven't heard that sound since the early 90s, and it plays so right. Good on ya, kids.


A bad graphic:

 This is my summa in the city playlist. Aka the playlist I made while living in Chitown, the best big city in America. Where I turned the BEST AGE EVER. Pic on the right is from my birthday. Bottom is at a Cubs game with my best friend in Chicago, my lovely sweet salt-of-the-earth girl. So this is a pretty good playlist, go find all of those songs. [click for larger]


A confession:

I am so, so, so, so happy to be here. I can't even believe it. It's funny how sometimes what you really want is in front of you all the time, and when you finally accept it, you feel so right and so settled. I am so happy. Sometimes you feel pushed or pulled and you don't know why but you end up in the place, or meeting the people, or becoming the person that is most fulfilling. The Lord's plan is always better than the one that you have for yourself. And it is especially better than the one that I had for myself :) Life..... life! It's the best.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Pretty shot up the canyon. I wish we lived closer. Even two hours is too much.